Leaked WhatsApp chats with Captain Babar Azam has made many people in the Pakistan cricket team angry and has made people wonder how he works with the cricket board. There was this debate while Pakistan was in the ODI World Cup in 2023. In reaction, PCB Chairman Zaka Ashraf went on live TV and said Babar Azam had not tried to contact him directly. Ashraf said the captain usually talks to the international cricket head or the chief operating officer.
Leaked Whatsapp chats of Babar Azam raising questions
To back up what he was saying, Ashraf showed a private WhatsApp exchange between Babar Azam and Salman Naseer, the Chief Operating Officer of PCB, on TV. This was done to make things clearer and more open about the supposed communication problems.
They leaked Babar Azam’s private WhatsApp chats?
Pakistani players ko milta kya hai ko unse itni expectations rakhte ho? This is disgusting, he still has three matches to play in this World Cup pic.twitter.com/8eHSG2oygT— Sushant Mehta (@SushantNMehta) October 29, 2023
“Ya kya Karna ki koshish kar raha ho aap loog??? This is pathetic !!!Khush ho gaya aap loog. Please leave @babarazam258 alone 🙏🏽. He’s an asset of Pakistan Cricket @TheRealPCB @ARYNEWSOFFICIAL @Salman_ARY,” he wrote on X.
Former Pakistan captain Waqar Younis was angry about what was going on and told people to leave Babar Azam alone, stressing how important he is to Pakistan cricket. The issue makes it harder for Pakistan to do well in the World Cup, which is still going on. Some people think that Babar Azam might not be captain anymore because the team hasn’t done very well. The private WhatsApp conversation adds to the story about the team as Pakistan gets ready to play Bangladesh in Kolkata. Pakistan is currently in sixth place in the points table, having won only two of their six games.