Doha, the capital of Qatar, has seen evictions of workers from their houses. According to reports, hundreds of foreign workers were forced to leave their apartments in Qatar before the Fifa World Cup because of the country’s strict edict to evacuate the buildings where they had been living. Qatari capital forces thousands to leave before Fifa World Cup
That’s why they claimed authorities closed and evacuated a dozen structures. As a result, they pressured the predominantly Asian and African workforce to take refuge wherever they could. That meant spending the night in the cold, wet, and wind outside one of their former residences. This transition occurred less than four weeks before the start of the World Cup on November 20 in Qatar. Thus it will be largely overlooked.
Qatari capital forces thousands to leave before Fifa World Cup
Police in Doha’s Al Mansoura neighbourhood instructed the building’s 1,200 occupants to vacate the premises on a Wednesday evening for two hours. There were rumours that at 10:30, municipal officials returned, ordered everyone out, and locked the doors. Not all the guys had been able to make the trip back in time to get their stuff.
He, like the majority of the workers who spoke to Reuters, disguised their IDs and other identifying information for fear of retaliation from the authorities or his employers. In the vicinity, five males were spotted putting a bed and a small refrigerator into the back of a pickup truck. They supposedly stayed at Sumaysimah, a city about 40 kilometres (25 miles) north of Doha, where they hired a room.
A Qatari government official has stated that the evictions are unrelated to the World Cup and were carried out “in accordance with existing comprehensive and long-term plans to re-organize districts of Doha.”
When asked for comment, FIFA—the governing body of soccer worldwide—said no. So they referred any questions about the 2022 World Cup to the government of Qatar. When people talk about “ghettoizing” an area, they mean to create a community on purpose. Nearly 85 per cent of Qatar’s 2.8-million-strong workforce is made up of ex-pats.
Many evicted people, for example, are drivers, day labourers, or people under corporate contracts who must find their housing.
One worker said that the evictions had little effect on the families of foreign employees. A Reuters reporter uncovered nearly a dozen structures where occupants alleged they were forcibly evacuated. They disconnected several buildings from the grid. Most were located in areas where the government had rented out homes to World Cup visitors.
Some expelled workers in Doha’s southwestern industrial zone are looking for accommodations. Or in far-flung areas that necessitate a lengthy commute. As a result, workers griped about being evicted again and time again. When Mohammed, a Bangladeshi chauffeur, was given a job by the mayor.
He claimed to have lived there for 14 years and gave the other 38 people in the building 48 hours to vacate. He complained that the workers who had assisted Qatar in preparing for the World Cup had been forgotten.